Quality rating by Cristian Carollo
In order to give you a better feeling about the quality of the bikes, together with the pictures I am giving a vote for each bike according to its quality (as you know sometimes bikes in pictures look better than they really are.
Rating 1: very rusty, crappy, many missing parts, no papers
Rating 2: clunker, rusty, some missing parts, no papers
Rating 3: rusty, 90% of original parts, needs heavy restoration, no papers
Rating 4: rusty, 95% of original parts, engine free, needs restoration
Rating 5: at least 95% of original parts, engine starting and running, but no safe to ride. Alternatively a 5 rating is given to a bike ready to run but heavily modified in its parts
Rating 6: bike ready to run, in average quality conditions, needs a good service to be run safely, restoration up to client's choice
Rating 7: very nice quality conditions, ready to run properly, only few parts need to be refreshed
Rating 8: very good quality conditions, reliable and as good to run as a modern bike, maintained and serviced regularly during the years. Alternatively a 8 vote is given to bikes that has been recently nicely restored
Rating 9: excellent condition, looking almost brand new, maintained and serviced perfectly during the years. Alternatively a 9 vote is given to a bike that has been fully and perfectly restored
Rating 10: still brand new, never run, kept in its wooden box since it was originally produced
Please note that a bike with papers is worth 1notch more; a bike without papers lose a notch.